Archived Notice

Sr. No. Title Date View/Download
1201 Please take notice that the matters listed today in Chairperson’s Court will be taken up by the Bench Comprising of Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.I.S. Cheema, Member (Judicial) and Hon’ble Mr. Kanthi Narahari, Member (Technical). in Court Room No. 3. 25/04/2019 Download upload/8667616575cc1333219ff6.pdf
1202 Take notice that the following matters listed on 26.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 25/04/2019 Download upload/15345284255cc1ac628a178.pdf
1203 Take notice that the following matters listed on 25.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 24/04/2019 Download upload/16788274565cc059a7000da.pdf
1204 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 20.04.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below. 23/04/2019 Download upload/799121635cbf082a13e29.pdf
1205 Take notice that the following matters listed on 24.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up and the next date of hearing is indicated below. 23/04/2019 Download upload/9385888925cbf07d6eb513.pdf
1206 Take notice that the following matters listed on 22.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 20/04/2019 Download upload/8143712215cbad7d523669.pdf
1207 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 16.04.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 20/04/2019 Download upload/357176435cbad79909fcd.pdf
1208 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 15.04.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below. 16/04/2019 Download upload/13775756645cb5cf8ed8106.pdf
1209 Take notice that the following matters listed on 18.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 16/04/2019 Download upload/8865619595cb5cc2e3b956.pdf
1210 Take notice that the following matters listed on 15.04.2019 at 02:00 PM in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 15/04/2019 Download upload/2998572865cb412165069f.pdf
1211 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 11.04.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 12/04/2019 Download upload/19868575715cb079876681c.pdf
1212 Take notice that the following matters listed on 12.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 11/04/2019 Download upload/16473068835caf3551dd7a4.pdf
1213 Take notice that the following matters listed on 11.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 10/04/2019 Download upload/3818515515cade49f829ec.pdf
1214 Please take notice that the matters listed at 02:00 PM today in Court II will be taken up at 2:10 PM. 08/04/2019 Download upload/731430695caad1f3a8aa3.pdf
1215 Please take notice that the matters listed in first half today in Hon’ble Chairperson’s Court (except Judgments) will be taken up by the Single Bench Comprising of Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.J. Mukhopadhaya, the Chairperson. 08/04/2019 Download upload/10011639955caaca1e399a3.pdf
1216 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 01.04.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 05/04/2019 Download upload/5753891525ca750aad95cb.pdf
1217 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 03.04.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 05/04/2019 Download upload/9599390105ca750ee0eac8.pdf
1218 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 30.03.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 05/04/2019 Download upload/15015811535ca75087ea954.pdf
1219 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 02.04.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 05/04/2019 Download upload/12816517255ca844311c0da.pdf
1220 Take notice that the following matters listed on 04.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 03/04/2019 Download upload/15451742225ca4a61b368a7.pdf
1221 Take notice that the following matters listed on 03.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 02/04/2019 Download upload/17204946325ca354a5c274c.pdf
1222 Take notice that the following matters listed on 02.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 01/04/2019 Download upload/13431310795ca2069501b8d.pdf
1223 Please take notice that the matter listed on 01.04.2019 in the Court of Registrar, will be taken up on 02.04.2019. 01/04/2019 Download upload/2498631675ca196577fbcf.pdf
1224 Take notice that the following matters listed on 01.04.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 30/03/2019 Download upload/3238757465c9f394e06530.pdf
1225 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 27.03.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below. 28/03/2019 Download upload/5356585835c9cc2934efc3.pdf
1226 Take notice that the following matters listed on 28.03.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 27/03/2019 Download upload/18785033475c9b6e3147f25.pdf
1227 Please take notice that the following matter listed at 02: 00 PM today in Court- II will be taken up in the first half by the Bench consisting of Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.I.S. Cheema, Member (Judicial) and Hon’ble Mr. Balvinder Singh, Member (Technical). 26/03/2019 Download upload/4296049265c99a92016daf.pdf
1228 Take notice that the matters adjourned vide notice dated 20.03.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 25/03/2019 Download upload/553342385c98cb7cf3450.pdf
1229 Take notice that the following matters listed on 25.03.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 20/03/2019 Download upload/4989785865c9220583620b.pdf
1230 Take notice that the following matters listed on 21.03.2019 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 20/03/2019 Download upload/14937412715c923e9c7b24d.pdf