Archived Notice

Sr. No. Title Date View/Download
1021 Take notice that the following matters listed on 16.01.2020 in Court of Chairperson stand adjourned. The next date of hearing will be notified later 16/01/2020 Download upload/15675460755e1f2480f036d.pdf
1022 Take notice that the following matters listed on 14.01.2020 in the Court-III stand adjourned. The next date
of hearing will be notified later.
13/01/2020 Download upload/18691594235e1c7863980ce.pdf
1023 Take notice that the following matters listed on 14.01.2020 in the Court of Chairperson stand adjourned.
The next date of hearing will be notified later.
13/01/2020 Download upload/9578635515e1c78a6506e6.pdf
1024 Take notice that the following matters listed on 14.01.2020 in Court-II stand adjourned. The next date of
hearing will be notified later.
13/01/2020 Download upload/1631752835e1c78fed9d60.pdf
1025 Take notice that the following matters listed on 13.01.2020 in the Court of Chairperson will not be taken up. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 10/01/2020 Download upload/15654260675e1887c636296.pdf
1026 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 07.01.2020 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 10/01/2020 Download upload/854290295e1888318b338.pdf
1027 Take notice that the following matters listed on 10.01.2020 in the Court of Chairperson at 02:00 PM will not be taken up. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 09/01/2020 Download upload/16140876695e1763b1389c5.pdf
1028 Take notice that the following matters listed on 08.01.2020 in the Court of Chairperson at 02: 00 PM will not be taken up. The next date of hearing will be notified later 08/01/2020 Download upload/1635201925e15919614c9c.pdf
1029 Take notice that the following matter listed on 07.01.2020 in the Court of Chairperson at 02: 00 PM will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 06/01/2020 Download upload/20673285625e133e412ad0f.pdf
1030 Take notice that the matters of 02.01.2020 in the Chairperson’s Court Cause list from S. No- 20 and onwards will be taken up at 02:15 PM. 02/01/2020 Download upload/3749833715e0da61ccf537.pdf
1031 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 19.12.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 27/12/2019 Download upload/11495206295e05e694dcaa0.pdf
1032 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 20.12.2019 will be listed in the Court of Chairperson as indicated below: 27/12/2019 Download upload/21176341745e05e67a2c93c.pdf
1033 Take notice that the following matter will be listed on 02.01.2020 in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 23/12/2019 Download upload/20721689805e009bf2e5d7b.pdf
1034 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 18.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 19/12/2019 Download upload/11686465505dfb6d460850e.pdf
1035 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 13.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 19/12/2019 Download upload/18509785745dfb6e12296db.pdf
1036 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 13.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 19/12/2019 Download upload/15385122155dfb6f84c432d.pdf
1037 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 13.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 19/12/2019 Download upload/14341477135dfb70c0f2519.pdf
1038 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 17.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 19/12/2019 Download upload/6120297375dfb6f0e8968f.pdf
1039 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 11.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 19/12/2019 Download upload/7635162795dfb701f04ff1.pdf
1040 Take notice that the following matters listed on 20.12.2019 in the Court of Chairperson at 02: 00 PM will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 19/12/2019 Download upload/10840742025dfb71b5a959c.pdf
1041 Take notice that the matters of 18.12.2019 in the Chairperson’s Court Cause list from S. No- 19 to S. No 22 will be taken up after Pronouncement of Judgments listed at 03:00 PM. 18/12/2019 Download upload/13294421795df9ec3ef11b9.pdf
1042 Take notice that the following matters listed on 19.12.2019 in the Court of Chairperson at 02: 00 PM will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 18/12/2019 Download upload/16541427605dfa395c0a4ce.pdf
1043 Take notice that the matters of 17.12.2019 in the Chairperson’s Court Cause list from S. No-32 onwards will be taken up at 02:15 PM in the Court of Chairperson and the 02:00 PM matters pending before the Hon’ble Chairperson will be taken up thereafter. 17/12/2019 Download upload/18666033985df896ce0ca21.pdf
1044 Take notice that the following matter listed on 18.12.2019 in the Court of Chairperson at 02:00 PM will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 17/12/2019 Download upload/13719343735df8e511da17b.pdf
1045 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 10.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 16/12/2019 Download upload/15018125865df742fa5a506.pdf
1046 Take notice that the following matter listed on 17.12.2019 in the Court of Chairperson at 02:00 PM will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 16/12/2019 Download upload/13482261415df78c2093a77.pdf
1047 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 17.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below: 16/12/2019 Download upload/14295601735dfb6d9c5e574.pdf
1048 NOTICE Take notice that the following matter listed on 13.12.2019 in the Court of Chairperson at 02:00 PM will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 13/12/2019 Download upload/8464726955df3454d862ee.pdf
1049 Take notice that the following matters Adjourned on 12.12.2019 will be listed in the court of Chairperson as indicated below 13/12/2019 Download upload/8402178135df73ca221b70.pdf
1050 Take notice that the following matter listed on 12.12.2019 in the Court of Chairperson at 03:00 PM will not be taken up due to non-availability of the Bench. The next date of hearing will be notified later. 12/12/2019 Download upload/10303897935df0f2174ed06.pdf